

2022-08-23 01:51:49标语大全0


1、不拥也不挤 爱人也爱己

2、文明始于足下 美丽源于美德

3、楼梯口要慢行 小朋友讲文明

4、One step a step ,a struggling upward

5、上下楼梯靠右行 你谦我让脚步轻

6、不拥不挤不打闹 英华校园更美好

7、踏实人生每一步 创造英华每一天

8、轻声慢行互谦让 楼道自然就通畅

9、Keep to the right ,walk modestly and softly.

10、crush 、cry 、run or jump ,keep to the right

11、Do not push and crowd ,love others and yourself

12、不挤不叫不跑不跳 靠右行走规则遵守

13、Do not crush or fight ,make Yinghua more beautiful

14、Practice every step of life great each day of Yinghua

15、Walk slowly at the stairs,dear students ,be civilized

16、Walk modestly and softly ,naturally corridor to the flow

17、Civilization begins with one step ,beauty comes from virtue

18、轻声慢行 文明养成Walk softly,civilization developed.

19、文明你我他 英华靠大家Be civilized Yinghua depends on you

TAG标签: 英华Yinghua轻声stepsoftly右行modestlywalk楼梯口
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